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开场演讲 PWAs and MiniApps

发布日期: 2022-08-08 最近更新: 2022-08-08

之于迅速缩小和小程序功能差距的背景之下,拥抱小程序生态,PWA 大有机会!

过去 6 年来 PWA 本地原生能力的不断增强加上新兴的 Web Packaging 和 Web Bundles 标准,如何为 Web 开发者打造融合小程序生态的伟大平台;浏览器开发者支持小程序融合生态的机会所在;坚持 Web 标准之于跨设备的优势;将 Web 视为应用平台的集散地的优势。

As the father of the PWA, Alex will give us the open speech to discuss below topics:

The PWA opportunity in the context of closing the gaps with MiniApps capabilities: How emerging standards (Web Packaging and Web Bundles) along with the last 6 years of progress in PWA capabilities set the web up to be a great platform for challenger apps looking to grow a mini-app ecosystem. The opportunities to browser makers for supporting this work. The cross-device advantages of building for a standards-based platform. Export-market benefits of considering the web as an application platform.

Alex Russell (@slightlylate) 是 Microsoft Edge 浏览器团队的全球合伙人产品经理,也是 Blink API 的负责人。在 2021 加入 Edge 之前,他在 Chrome 的 Web 平台团队工作了十几年,帮助设计了许多新功能。他曾担任 Chromium 项目 Fugu 的总体技术负责人,负责 Chrome 的标准工作,并担任 Web 的平台战略家。他还担任了十多年的 ECMA TC39 成员,并在 W3C 技术架构小组中三次当选。

他的技术项目包括 Fugu、Progressive Web Apps、Service Workers 和 Web 组件,以及诸如 Class 和 Promises 之类的 ES6 功能。此前,他帮助构建谷歌 Chrome 框架,并领导 Dojo 工具包项目。全世界的 Web 开发者为一家,Alex 和我们在一起!

Alex Russell (@slightlylate) is Partner Program Manager on the Microsoft Edge title and Blink API OWNER. Before joining Edge in 2021, he worked on Chrome’s Web Platform title for a dozen years where he helped design many new features. He served as overall Tech Lead for Chromium’s Project Fugu, lead Chrome’s Standards work, and acted as a platform strategist for the web. He also served as a member of ECMA TC39 for more than a decade and was elected to three terms on the W3C’s Technical Architecture Group.

His technical projects have included Fugu, Progressive Web Apps, Service Workers, and Web Components, along with ES6 features like Classes and Promises. Previously he helped build Google Chrome Frame and led the Dojo Toolkit project. Alex plays for Team Web.

Alex Russell
Alex Russell
PWA 之父 全球合伙人产品经理
微软 Edge 浏览器团队