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The World of PWA Tools: From Starter to Builder

发布日期: 2022-08-08 最近更新: 2022-08-08

我们将讨论 PWA(渐进式 Web 应用程序)技术和 PWABuilder 套件提供的工具,可帮助您从头到尾完成 PWA 构建之旅。 我们将展示我们的一些工具的用法,并分享一些有用的资源以供进一步学习。

We are going to talk about PWA (Progressive Web App) technology and the tools that the PWABuilder suite offers to get you from start to finish on your PWA building journey. We will demonstrate usage of some of our tools and also share some helpful resources for further learning.

Justin Willis 是 Microsoft 的一名软件工程师,致力于 PWABuilder 项目的开发体验和工具。 在业余时间,他喜欢远足、玩电子游戏和陪伴她的猫。

Justin Willis is a Software Engineer at Microsoft working on dev experience and tooling for the PWABuilder project. In his spare time he enjoys hiking, video games and spending time with my cat.

Amrutha Srinivasan 是 Microsoft PWABuilder 团队的一名软件工程师。 她喜欢为开发人员提供在 Windows 上获得出色应用构建体验所需的工具。 工作之余,她喜欢远足、绘画并且是一个狂热的观鸟者。

Amrutha Srinivasan is a Software Engineer on the PWABuilder title in Microsoft. She love to enable developers with the tools they need to have a great app building experience on Windows. When she’s not doing that, she loves to hike, paint and is an avid birder.

Justin Willis
Justin Willis
微软 PWABuilder
Amrutha Srinivasan
Amrutha Srinivasan
微软 PWABuilder